Quote of the Week

My apologies for my lengthy absence. I have much explaining to do. For now, I will begin with a quote of the week.

My Reflections of 2021

Describing this year would be an interesting challenge as there have been so many high and low moments throughout 2021. There have been extremely joyous and happy moments and there have been extremely sad and low ones, too.   This is a pivotal point in the year as we embark on closing the chapter to 2021 and…

Quote of the Week

Having yet another nerve block done tomorrow and crossing my fingers that it helps. However they have not usually done much for me in the past and even when they do, not for long. Now, I have recently learned of PRP therapy or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy. A regenerative medicine. This is supposed to be…

My Chiari Surgery Recovery and CBD Pain Relief

As many of you know, it’s been about 7 weeks since my brain surgery. My headaches are mostly gone but I’ve still been experiencing a great deal of shoulder pain and neck pain (mostly in the front). Yes, I have painkillers and muscle relaxers but here’s the thing, I don’t like taking them. 1. They…

My Chronic Illness Christmas List

Today’s post is a short one. But with Christmas upon us, I figured no better time than now to put together my wish list for chronic illness. The only thing I should probably add is peace on earth, of course. Have a very Happy Holiday!

Quote of the Week

I am continuously amazed by all the chronic illness warriors I meet.  You all continue to fight your battles daily and no matter how you’re feeling, you still reach out and encourage others, advise, comfort and pray. No matter how rough and rocky it gets, you keep moving forward with a fire from within and…

My Christmas Gift is Surgery

Chiari Malformation often comes with the territory of those of us with hEDS. It is something I have been fighting for several years now with a great deal of pain, seizures, auditory and speech problems and so much more. But now it has become much worse. Four weeks ago, I had my annual visit with…

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Pain

*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I am just a woman, laying on the floor, asking her body what the hell is wrong and how I can fix it.* After the two years of a seemingly downhill slope of one surgery after another, one injury after another, two years of physical therapy and endless…